Foundations are very important. If there isn’t a good foundation underneath the memorial, it will tip or settle.
When putting a monument foundation in, we use granite foundation covers. They are 4 to 5 inches thick and 4 to 6 inches longer and wider than the monument itself. We dig down 3 to 4 feet and put 6 inch post holes down to 5 or 6 feet. We then fill it with wet concrete and place the granite foundation cover on/in the wet concrete and level it up. When we are through with that, we set the monument using a special setting compound made for the monument industry.
The same goes for the foundations for the slant, bevel, and flush style memorials. We precast 4 inch concrete slabs that again are 4 to 6 inches longer and wider than the memorial. We dig down 3 to 4 feet and fill with wet concrete and place and level the precast concrete slab on/in the wet concrete. When setting these memorials, we use a mortar mix to set the memorial on the concrete foundation.
Not putting a full foundation like above, will lead to the memorial tipping and settling. It has to be below the frost line in order to prevent this from happening. That being said, some cemeteries do not allow full foundations. If we are able to put a full foundation in, and it does tip or settle, we will level it up at no cost.